We all struggle at some point, or many points, with the direction God has for us. Many times the immediate direction is not super clear. So I am here to give you the definitive answer on how to handle those situations...... Just kidding. This is just some more of my rambling thoughts that I hope would help me, you, and others really think about what they believe and why? I am no theologian so don't pick me apart here, I'm just throwing up some ideas.
In general I have always been a advocate for praying, taking some sort of action, and adjusting as His will becomes clear. I know this is not the only way, as a matter of fact my friend
Eric Beeman has shared a great example with me of when praying and waiting is what God prescribed. I guess there is more than one way to skin a cat.
In Exodus when Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt, God had hardened the Pharaoh's heart and he was headed out with an army towards them. It says that the Israelites saw them, that's when they cried out to God and complained to Moses.
Apparently Moses began to petition God at this point. When in doubt stop and pray right? Well God didn't think so. He said "Why are you crying out to me? Tell these people to get moving!"
I guess in this case it was a very practical command from God. You see the enemy over your shoulder, pray while you run... In the very next verse God lets Moses know his plan, but for those moments in between, what must Moses have been thinking?
I'm sure you have all heard the metaphor that you cannot steer a ship that is sitting still, just as we should be moving for God to steer us. I still think in most cases this is a good idea. Have a plan and a goal and adjust it along the way.
In some cases, including mine, its easy to get started toward a goal and only see that goal. When, in fact we should be watching for what God has in store for us along the way. It may be something that takes us on a slight detour, or something that changes our goal completely. I think we need to be open to that especially when we know we are goal oriented people.
What about road blocks? Speed bumps along the way? Should they detour us? Should we charge through them? How small of an obstacle in our path will knock us off course? On the other hand how big of a wall does God have to put up to get our attention and stop us?
I don't think there is a set answer here. Depends on the person. Depends on how well you know his word. Depends on how deep your relationship is with Him and how well you know His voice. So maybe the closer your walk is, the smaller the obstacles need to be to turn you to the path the the Father wants for you? And maybe the closer your walk the bigger your speed bumps can be because He knows you will stay the course?
Maybe my prayer for maturity should be, "God allow my speed bumps to be bigger and my walls smaller." I guess he'll know what I mean...... :-)